Bienza traducciones
Version española
  • Web page localization
  • Software localization
  • Video game localization
  • Mobile application localization
  • Testing

Localization (or l10n) consists of adapting a product to the functional, linguistic and cultural characteristics of one or several target cultures. In the late 80s and early 90s, the boom of the computer industry and the growth of national markets that were increasingly marked by globalization proved the need to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers, making it possible to commercialize these products and for them to be purchased or used by individuals from different cultures.

Localization work is applied to computer products and multimedia (software, video games and applications for mobile devices) as well as electronic documents used online such as web sites and digital platforms. At Traducciones Bienza, we have qualified professionals who specialize in each of the localization modalities, file formats and specific tools used to complete this process.

Testing is a quality control and verification process applied to multimedia products that have been localized in order to assure the linguistic and functional quality of the product, as well as confirming the appearance and aesthetic are correct. It is thus an essential process in order for the product to serve its purpose and be successful or have the intended reception from the audience of the target culture. At Traducciones Bienza, a product's final quality is our main goal, so testing is of utmost importance in our localization projects.