Bienza traducciones
Version española
  • Spelling, grammar and style revision
  • Grammar and style revision for scientific articles
  • Conference and speech writing, revision and adaptation
  • Text adaptation to different variants of Spanish
  • Text adaptation to different variants of English

Traducciones Bienza also completes text revision projects for spelling, grammar and style. This is an important service within those we offer in which we help you complete a detailed revision of any text you wish to submit to an informational or scientific publication as well as any document you wish to publicly present at a conference or by giving a speech or lecture.

Specifically, in the current communication era where the majority of informational and scientific contributions are rapidly accessible to the globalized public, more meticulous editing is necessary than ever before as possible grammatical or stylistic errors in any written contribution can considerably undermine the credibility of the authors.

As a result, we at Traducciones Bienza recommend revising any publication or contribution before submitting it in order to ensure the international impact of your contributions that positively reflects your personal image and prestige.